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Vote on the NHS pay award for Agenda for Change staff in Wales

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What we’re asking you to vote on

The Welsh government has announced a pay award for the NHS in Wales for 2024/25. The government accepted the Pay Review Body’s recommendations.

The award is set out below and in this document:

  • Uplift all pay points for Agenda for Change staff by 5.5% on a consolidated basis, from 1 April 2024 
  • Add intermediate pay points at Agenda for Change Bands 8a and above after 2 years 
  • Work with the UK government to take forward the Pay Review Body’s recommendations on Agenda for Change pay structures 

Proceed to vote

Why we need to hear from you

You’ve been awarded a 5.5% pay increase, backdated to 1 April, which you can expect to receive in your November pay.

But it’s not for the government to tell us what we’re worth – that's up to us.

Stand up for our profession and make your voice heard.